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Updated: Nov 12, 2021

We are thrilled you've stumbled across our page!

We are so excited to start this new journey, and we cannot wait to take you with us. Although the idea of a baby boutique and place of wellness is recently new to us, we've always dreamed of serving our community in a different way.

I'd like to first introduce myself! I'm Kandace and I've recently become a new mom to a sweet little boy named Haysten. I wish I could say my introduction to motherhood has been smooth sailing, however that hasn't been my journey. Our little man was born 6 weeks premature through a pretty traumatic birth experience. The following months brought on challenges we never would have imagined as new parents. Colic, a milk protein allergy and severe acid reflux followed for the next 3.5 months. Watching your babe in pain all the time was hardly something I could have prepared for. We navigated many specialities, the health care system, and advocated for answers.

My background is in social work and I have extensive experience in the human service field and working with the vulnerable and marginalized populations in our communities. This year it became evident just how prominent the gap in services and supports are for new mothers and young families in our community. I hope to bridge that gap, and find unique ways to provide supports.

We want to bring a new experience. One where you feel connected, a place you belong and most importantly cradled by the beautiful community that surrounds us.

Our little boutique is the first of many things we would like to share with all of you. As we put roots down, we hope to bring you more supports in the near future.

Thank you for joining along!

xo Kan

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